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Create a New DagsHub Project

Hello, and welcome to DagsHub! We're happy to have you with us! In this guide, we'll walk you through setting up and configuring DagsHub to start building your ML project.

If you already have a repository you'd like to work with on GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket, see our guide on connecting an existing repository

There is no need to configure anything to start the project from this point.

  • We'll start by creating a new repository on DagsHub. Click on the 'Create' button, choose the 'New Repository' option.


  • Then select Create from Template and choose the Custom option.



  • You'll be redirected to the repository settings dialog.
  • Fill in the name of your repository, select .gitignore templates (we recommend Python), a License, and if you'd like a Default Readme. Then click the 'Create Repository' button at the bottom.


Clone the Repository

Now, we'll clone the Git remote, which is stored on DagsHub, to our local computer.

  • Go to the repository page, click on the remote button and copy the Git remote link.


  • From your CLI, change the directory to where you wish to clone the repository and git-clone it using the copied link.

    cd path/to/folder
    git clone<DagsHub-user-name>/<repo_name>.git .

It's a best practice to create and activate a virtual environment before starting to work on your project.

How to create and activate a virtual environment?
  • Make sure you're in the project directory when following this.
  • If you're using Python 2, replace venv with virtualenv in the below commands.
  • The name of the virtual environment is for you to choose. The convention is 'env' or 'venv'.
  • We will add the virtual environment name to the .gitignore file, so Git will not track it.
python3 -m venv <virtual-environment-name>
echo <virtual-environment-name> >> .gitignore
source <virtual-environment-name>/bin/activate
py -m venv <virtual-environment-name>
echo <virtual-environment-name> >> .gitignore
  • Note: To verify that you activated the virtual environment, its name should appear in the parentheses on the left.

Next Steps

Now that you have your project set up, you can continue to version datasets and code, track experiments, or check out some of our other common use cases.