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Querying and saving subsets of your datasets

Using the automatically generated enrichments, or the ones you manually added previously, Data Engine provides the ability to zoom in and focus on relevant data points by querying your data source and generating new subsets to train your model on.

Query syntax Overview

Data Engine queries are structured in a familiar Pandas-like syntax.

A few query examples:

# Get all data points from episodes after 5
q1 = ds["episode"] > 5

# Get all data points from the first episode that also include baby Yoda in them 
q2 = (ds["episode"] == 1) & (ds["has_baby_yoda"] == True)

# Get data points that aren't between episodes 4 and 6
q3 = ~((ds["episode"] >= 4) & (ds["episode"] <= 6))

# Get data points that don't have an attached annotation
q4 = ds["annotation"].is_null()

Filtering operators

Data Engine supports the following operators:

  • == (equal)
  • != (not equal)
  • > (greater than)
  • >= (greater than or equal)
  • < (less than)
  • <= (less than or equal)
  • .contains()
  • .startswith()
  • .endswith()
  • .is_null()
  • .is_not_null()
  • queries composing:
    • & (and)
    • | (or)
    • ~ (not)

The query composition operators (&, |, ~) are binary and will be executed before the regular operators. For example:

# Supported
new_ds = (ds["episode"] > 5) & (ds["has_baby_yoda"] == True)

# Not supported
new_ds = ds["episode"] > 5 & ds["has_baby_yoda"] == True 

Notes and limitations:

  1. Comparison is supported only on primitives - comparison between columns is not supported yet.
  2. The in, and, or, not syntax (Python) is not supported. Usecontains(), &, | , ~ instead. For example:
    # Supported
    ds = (ds["episode"] == 0) & (ds["has_baby_yoda"] == True)
    ds[~(ds["episode"] == 0)]
    # Not supported
    "aaa" in df["col"]
    ds = (ds["episode"] == 0) and (ds["has_baby_yoda"] == True) 
  3. For re-querying, assign the result to a new variable to not lose the query. For example:
    # Supported
    filtered_ds = ds[ds["episode"] > 5]
    filtered_ds2 = filtered_ds[filtered_ds["has_baby_yoda"] == True]
    # Not supported 
    filtered_ds = ds[ds["episode"] > 5]
    filtered_ds2 = filtered_ds[ds["has_baby_yoda"] == True]
  4. .contains() is supported only for strings fields. For example:
    # For given data:
    # path      animals
    # 001.jpg   "cat, squirrel, dog"
    # 002.jpg   "snake, dog"
    # 003.jpg   "cat"
    # Will return datapoints [001.jpg, 003.jpg]

Selecting metadata columns

Using select() you can choose which columns will appear in your query result and what their names will be (alias). For example:

q1 = (ds["size"] > 5).select("path", "size")

Will return all datapoints with size greater than 5, only the 2 columns selected, and not any other column in the dataset's enrichments.

Notes and limitations:

  1. The path, datapoint_id, and dagshub_download_url columns will always be returned, as they are needed for Data Engine functionality
  2. Both "x" and Field("x") can be used
  3. alias, as_of - are optional
  4. We currently do not check the list for contradictions/overwrites/duplications, i.e. select("x","x") or select(Field("a", alias="X"), Field("b", alias="X")) would not make much sense. however, if you provide a 'as_of' but do not provide an alias, the results will be auto-aliased in the form: "xxx_as_of_2023_12_11_14_42_20_UTC" where xxx is the column name.

Versioning filters

Datasource's and dataset's enrichments are versioned, and you can return to the state of a certain metadata field or an entire datasource to a previous point in time. To do this easily, we provide a few versioning filters

A simple example uses the global as_of time filter looks like this:

from datetime import *
t_prev = - timedelta(hours=24)
ds_v1 = ds.as_of(t_prev)

Filtering queries by previous versions

An extended syntax lets you query according to different versions of enrichments. For example:

# these includes are required for the bellow 4 snippets
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from dagshub.data_engine.model.datasource import Field
# size metadata is constantly changed and we want to address the one from 24h ago
t = - timedelta(hours=24)

q1 = ds[Field("size", as_of=t)] > 5
In the above example all datapoints whose "size" column was updated no later than 't' that match the condition '>5' are returned.

Query select with previous versions

Using select() also works with the as_of argument in the Field function, meaning you can select multiple versions of the same column to view, for example 2 versions of the annotation column might be valuable to visually compare them and decide which one is better. Similarly, you might want to compare to model prediction versions to visually inspect model performance.

t = - timedelta(hours=24)

q1 = (ds["size"] > 5).select(Field("size", as_of=t, alias="size_asof_24h_ago"), Field("episode"))

In the above example the result set of datapoints will have 2 columns of metadata: "size_asof_24h_ago" and "episode". all other metadata columns are ommited.if the desired result is to get all metadata columns and in addition the selected list, add "*" to the list, example:

q1 = (ds["size"] > 5).select(Field("size", as_of=t, alias="size_asof_24h_ago"), "*")

Global as_of time

Using as_of() applied on a query allows you to view a snapshot of datapoint/enrichments. For example:

t = - timedelta(hours=24)

q1 = (ds["size"] > 5).as_of(t)
in the above example all datapoints whose creation time is no later than 't' and that match the condition at 't' - are returned.

Notes and limitations:

Time parameter - the time parameter can be POSIX timestamp or datetime object - pay attention to timezones - use timestamp if known, or relative datetime if known (as in the above examples). if you use a specific date such as dateutil.parser.parse("Tue 28 Nov 11:29 +2:00") specify the utc delta as shown here, otherwise this date can translate to different timestamps in the machine that runs the client and in dagshub backend.

Global as_of behavior - it applies to all entities unless otherwise specified, i.e if we use Field("x", as_of=t1)) then t1 will precede over a t2 specified in .as_of(t2). the sensibility of the results is up to the caller. you could get datapoints that existed in t1 < t2 based on a condition applied on their enrichments in t2.

Creating DataFrames from query results

Use .dataframe to get a pandas DataFrame that contains the data points and their enrichments:

df = ds.head().dataframe

# You can also use it like this
ds[ds["episode"] > 5].all().dataframe


.dataframe provides a copy of the metadata as a DataFrame. Changes made on a DataFrame do not apply to the original data source it was created from.

Saving query results as a new dataset

Query results can be saved and used later as a new dataset. To save your results as a new dataset, use the .save_dataset function:

# Filtered datasource
new_ds = ds[["episode"] > 5]

# Save the query as a dataset

After saving the new dataset, it will be displayed in your repository under the Datasets tab:

See saved dataset in Dagshub UI

To get a list of all the saved datasets in a repository, use the get_datasets function:

from dagshub.data_engine import datasets
ds_list = datasets.get_datasets("username/repoName")

View and use saved datasets

To use saved datasets, use the .get_dataset() function:

from dagshub.data_engine import datasets

ds = datasets.get_dataset("user/repo", "dataset-name")

Or navigate to the datasets tab in your repository, click on the Use this dataset button attached to the relevant dataset, and follow the instructions:

Use saved dataset in Dagshub UI

Where you'll see a notebook full of copyable code snippets enabling you to use your dataset:

Use saved dataset in Dagshub UI

Next steps

Now that you have your dataset ready, move on to visualize it, add annotations, or convert it to a dataloader for training.