Pawesome Updates March 23
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Pawesome Updates March 23

Pawsome Updates Mar 22, 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of Pawesome Updates! Here's what's been happening at DagsHub:

🚀 400 Datasets Launch

We are excited to announce that we have added 400 datasets from the AWS Data Registry to DagsHub! These datasets can be easily accessed and used for your machine learning projects. Check out our blog post here to learn more.

🎙️ Podcast

Our latest podcast features a discussion with Noa Weiss about quick and dirty machine learning. Listen to the podcast here:

📝 From our blog

We have a new blog post featuring the best 8 data version control tools for machine learning in 2023. The blog provides a comprehensive overview of the best tools available, revealing a diverse range of strengths and weaknesses for each data versioning tool. It's a great resource for managing your ML projects. Check it out here.

best 8 data version control tools for machine learning in 2023

🎉 Event

Join our upcoming free online event hosted by Jinen Setpal from DagsHub on March 28th. Learn how to deploy machine learning models to production using MLflow with hands-on experience. Gain valuable knowledge from DagsHub professionals about what MLflow is and why it should be part of your MLOps tool kit. Register for the event 👉here.

💻 Development Updates

Our team has been working hard to make improvements to DagsHub. Here are some highlights:

  • Improved stability and speed for DVC push and pull
  • DVC is now accessible via S3 for a more stable journey
  • Performance improvements for smoother and quicker browsing across the board
  • A new flow for creating repositories and browsing templates
new flow for creating repositories and browsing templates

Stay tuned for more updates and news from DagsHub! 🐾


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