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Build a web app to use your ML model

In this section of the curriculum, you will be introduced to an applied ML topic: how to save your Scikit-learn model as a file that can be used to make predictions within a web application. Once the model is saved, you'll learn how to use it in a web app built in Flask. You'll first create a model using some data that's all about UFO sightings! Then, you'll build a web app that will allow you to input a number of seconds with a latitude and a longitude value to predict which country reported seeing a UFO.

UFO Parking

Photo by Michael Herren on Unsplash


  1. Build a Web App


"Build a Web App" was written with ♥️ by Jen Looper.

♥️ The quizzes were written by Rohan Raj.

The dataset is sourced from Kaggle.

The web app architecture was suggested in part by this article and this repo by Abhinav Sagar.


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