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BOHR Overview

BOHR, apart from being a storage of heuristics, is also an infrastructure and a set of tools for their development, debugging, and usage for solving problems researchers in the field of MSR and SE encounter.



API (python library) to define datasets, tasks, and experiments, and to develop heuristics to be applied to artifacts.

Main Concepts


BOHR is a repository of heuristics, hence, a heuristic is a primary concept in BOHR. Sub-program (python function) that accepts an artifact or multiple artifacts of the same or different types. Artifact is BOHR's abstraction that represents a software engineering artifact - a product of SE activities, e,g. code, commit, software project, software repository, issue report.

def bugless_if_many_files_changes(commit: Commit) -> Optional[Labels]:
    if len(commit.commit_files) > 15:
        return CommitLabel.NonBugFix
        return None

Collection of artifacts of the same type (See Artifact Explorer)


An abstraction that describes the problem that a researcher is working on in terms of BOHR. The input and the output of the tasks are datasets. Task types are

  • labeling,
  • grouping,
  • linking,
  • filtering

To define a task, the BOHR user needs to specify:

  • Artifact type(s) heuristics are applied to

    • Single artifact for labeling and filtering,
    • pairs of artifacts of the same type for grouping,
    • pairs of artifacts (most likely of different types) for linking, e.g. Commit and Issue
  • Possible outputs of heuristics;

    • Label for labeling,
    • True/False for filtering;
    • probabilistic True/False for grouping and linking
  • Heuristic combination strategy (model)

    • trivial strategy (using only one heuristic),
    • applying and filtering one by one,
    • majority vote model,
    • weighted vote model (snorkel) - for labeling
    • weighted vote model + clustering using output probabilities as similarity indices - for grouping.
  • Metrics;

  • Test dataset;


Attempt to solve a task using a specific set of heuristics and a training set. To define an experiment, the user specifies:

  • the target task
  • heuristic classifier - heuristics to be used to tackle the task
  • train dataset (if required)

The user defines a BOHR configuration to specify which heuristics and datasets should be used to solve a task within an experiment. Configuration is described with code and can look like the code below.

from bohrapi.artifacts import Commit
from bohrapi.core import Dataset, Experiment, LabelingTask
from bohrlabels.labels import CommitLabel

berger_dataset = Dataset(
herzig_dataset = Dataset(
  ground_truth_label_func=lambda c: (CommitLabel.BugFix 
                                     if c.raw_data["manual_labels"]["herzig"]["bug"] == 1 
                                     else CommitLabel.NonBugFix)

bugginess_task = LabelingTask(
    name="bugginess", author="hlib", description="bug or not",
    labels=[CommitLabel.NonBugFix, CommitLabel.BugFix],

keywords_in_message_exp = Experiment(

Source code:

BOHR API and Heuristic development

The role of BOHR-API for heuristic development is twofold. First, it provides a skeleton of heuristics for developers, with which they can ensure the heuristics are found and correctly run by the BOHR engine, e.g. @Heuristic annotation, enforcing the input and output of heuristics, etc. Second BOHR-API allows to access properties of artifacts in an easy and representation- and language-independent way (See Future direction: working on SE heuristic API (aka BOHR API)).

BOHR Runtime (BOHR engine)

Experiments defined in the BOHR configuration can be run by exectuing CLI commands exposed by BOHR engine.

bohr run keywords_in_message_exp

bohr run --no-cache keywords_in_message_exp

Each of these commands executed from the directory with the configuration file (BOHR working directory) will run the following steps:

  • collects heuristics used in the current experiment

  • load the datasets used

  • apply heuristics to the datasets

  • combine the otput of heuristic in a way that is dependent on the chosen strategy

  • calculate metrics

  • prepare the train and test datasets according to the developed model.

The source code of bohr-runtime can be found at

Heuristic Debugging

! This section to be updated accoring with the new vision of BOHR !

BOHR engine provides utilities to debug the application and combining of heuristics

bohr debug <exp-name> <dataset-name>


bohr debug <exp-name> <dataset-name> <datapoint-id>


Alternatively, BOHR-UI can be used to perform debugging (see BOHR-UI)

Architecture of BOHR

BOHR (The repository of heuristics itself) can be accessed at (we will be calling it the remote BOHR repository). This is where BOHR-runtime (engine) fetches the heuristics from after reading user's BOHR config. The remote BOHR repo is cloned to the local machine next to the BOHR config. Since the heuristics require the BOHR-API to run them, Bohr-runtime installs the needed version of the BOHR-API. BOHR-Runtime runs the pipeline and generates locally all the intermediate artifacts (results of heuristic runs, trained models, calculated metrics). The directory with the BOHR config, cloned heuristics, intermediate artifacts is called BOHR working directory.

The user can make changes and add new heuristics to the local BOHR repo. Then they can send a pull request with the changes to the remote BOHR repo.The remote BOHR repo has a CI pipeline set up with the BOHR runtime rerunning the whole fetch-apply-train-evaluate pipeline. The changes to heuristics are merged once the pipeline succeeds.

![image-20220704170725884](/Users/hlib/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220704170725884.png)

Sharing tasks and experiments

Apart from sharing heuristics, the whole task and task runs (experiments can be shared). We find the link Git+DVC useful for sharing tasks and experiments. The BOHR config for the task + metrics can be stored in Git, all large intermediate artifacts can be stored in DVC.

bohr clone -> pulls from git, pulls from dvc, makes sure everything is up-to-date, otherwise reproduces.

See an example

Artifact Explorer

BOHR provides two ways to work with datasets. First, BOHR allows to add datasets to the working directory and lets the BOHR engine load datasets from there (NOT IMPLEMENTED yet). In this case, if the user decides to share their task and experiments, they would have to share their dataset along with them. The second way, which works especially well for well-known datasets that are used by multiple studies, is to load datasets from Artifact Explorer by specifying a query. When the experiments are made public, only the dataset id or the query needs to be shared (part of the dataset configuration in the BOHR config file). Then the user that wants to reproduce the study will use the dataset's metadata to pull the dataset from Artifact Explorer.

To give as much power to heuristic developers as possible, we want them to be able to access a wide range of information about artifacts. First, these is properties of artifacts extracted when mining them (e.g. files that commit contains). Second, information is extracted from artifacts using specific tools (e.g. refactoring that commit contains detected by the RefactoringMiner tool). The problem with the former is that running tools can be costly and getting it on demand might not be feasible. The solution is to cache the runs of the tools and reuse them between different heuristic runs. Here comes another advantage of loading datasets from Artifact Explorer. Artifact explorer contains rich information about artifacts and contains the outputs of different tools run on them.

Two important parts of Artifact Explorer are the database + client and the crawler.

Database + HTTPServer + Client

Artifact explorer stores information at mongo db: mongodb://read-only-user:123@ (ironspeed)

A few request examples:

  • {"manual_labels.berger": {"$exists": true}}
  • {"_id": "30b9871ceef52cd43b830c058a3a3d34c36eb742"}

HTTP client is running at: (for now accessible only from the university network)

You can try, fir example, accessing the following commit:

TO check the status/restart the http-server, run on the squirrel box:

sudo systemctl status/restart bohr-http

Running the service executes the following command:

/home/students/hbabii/.pyenv/versions/miniconda-3.7.0/bin/python -u /usr/local/web/bohr/


The crawler continuously adds new artifacts to the database and runs the tools on them, so that as much information as possible were availbale to the researchers. The tool is normally run on the ironspeed server.

One could feed the jobs in the following format to the Artifact Explorer crawler:

{"tools": ["gumtree/3.0.0-beta2"], "projects": ["0x43/DesignPatternsPHP", "AlexMeliq/less.js", "Arcank/nimbus", "AutoMapper/AutoMapper", "Chenkaiang/XVim", "GeertJohan/gorp", "K2InformaticsGmBH/proper", "MerlinDMC/gocode", "MythTV/mythtv", "alibaba/tengine", "clojure/core.logic", "docpad/docpad", "faylang/fay", "lfe/lfe", "magicalpanda/MagicalRecord", "mpeltonen/sbt-idea", "plumatic/plumbing", "sinclairzx81/typescript.api", "yu19930123/ngrok", "apache/httpcomponents-client", "apache/jackrabbit", "apache/lucene-solr", "apache/tomcat", "mozilla/rhino", "JetBrains/intellij-community", "JetBrains/kotlin", "ReactiveX/RxJava", "apache/camel", "apache/hadoop", "apache/hbase", "elastic/elasticsearch", "kiegroup/drools", "orientechnologies/orientdb", "restlet/restlet-framework-java", "spring-projects/spring-framework"]}

Source code

BOHR-Labels and Label taxonomy

Two core ideas of BOHR for labeling tasks are 1) reusing heuristics developed for more specific tasks for more general tasks 2) Reusing heuristics accross different label definitions.

The source code of can be found at


Commit classification

Classifying commits with transformers based on diffs

Identity merging



BOHR-UI is a streamlit[1] app that visualizes the performance of different models in different projections.

The app loads the data from

In theory, should be updated automatically once updates are pushed to the repositories.

Source code:

BOHR-UI url:

[1] The framework that allows developing data science visualization apps very quickly

Future direction: working on SE heuristic API (aka BOHR API)

BOHR-API should allow heuristic developers quickly implement their heuristic ideas, like in the example below.

![image-20220704174314916](/Users/hlib/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220704174314916.png)

ideas and contributions of BOHR I've been trying to sell

  • Facilitation of heuristic development (BOHR-API), would be a very important contribution, although this is 1) pretty much technical work and this is a lot of work - here we are not talking about
  • Reuse of heuristics: if there is a good API, won't it be easier to quickly implement new heuristics rather than share them? Jesus' comment: would the same heuristics work in different scenarios (for different projects), e.g. "fix" word heuristic will not work for the project where all issues start with "fix #..." - code in heuristics is what should be different for different researchers;
  • debugging, integration, etc. - not something scientifically new, more technical, there is a mature that has these things implemented: the gap here might be support for heuristic development for software engineering (see the first bullet point)
  • Storage of heuristics - if heuristics are not reused, for the sake of reproducibility, is a centralized repository needed? - BOHR runtime without centralized Bohr? - just an open-sourced snorkel flow?
  • If we don't reuse heuristics there is not much need to agree on any label definitions -> only for dataset reuse.
  • Reuse of label models: since heuristics cannot be reused for some projects -> label models cannot be reused easier; no need to reuse the model if there is a tool to quickly train it having implemented heuristics quickly.
  • Reuse of datasets.
  • artifacts explorer

TODO for the next meeting

Example of commit classification - show how bohr is working

Check what things are working and not working

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