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 Open Source Data Science Models

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Automatic Speech Recognition using Facebook wav2vec2-xls-r-300m model and mozilla-foundation common_voice_8_0 Urdu Dataset

dataset model audio pytorch transfer learning

achamug645 / ML_Opt

Updated 1 year ago


This repositor mainly discusses the application of Mchine learning and optimization approaches to the decision-making process

dataset model nlp classification tensorflow dvc git

Dean / RPPP

Updated 2 years ago

Path: models

RPPP – Reddit Post Popularity Predictor A project with two goals: 1. Given a Reddit post, predict how popular it's going to be (what it's score will be) 2. Showcasing a remote working file system with DVC

dataset model nlp tabular dvc git

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Classify german fake news based on news articles (text). The training data comes from Kaggle and a claim-by-claim approved fake news dataset by authoritative sources (see

dataset model

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I have experimented with multiple traditional models including Light GBM, Catboost, and BiLSTM, but the result was quite bad as compare to triple GRU layers. Using simple 3 Bidirectional GRU layer with linear activation. This model is quite simple and derived from xhlulu initial model.

dataset model tabular tensorflow

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Creating bot using pretrained model and Rick and Morty Data from Kaggle

dataset model nlp huggingface transformers text generation

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We will be using Internet News and Consumer Engagement dataset from Kaggle to predict top article and popularity score.

dataset model classification tabular

Path: models

T5 Summarisation Using Pytorch Lightning, DVC, DagsHub, and HuggingFace Spaces

dataset model nlp

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A repo for the tutorial explaining the benefits of DVC and DAGsHub, using the classification of questions for the Cross Validated statistics Stack Exchange as an example problem

dataset model classification tabular

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Creating complete machine learning automated pipeline.

dataset model