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 Open Source Data Science Datasets

ramnathv / DCIG

Updated 5 months ago

Path: .

Dilbert Comic Image Generator (DCIG) uses stable diffusion to create Dilbert comic images.

dataset aws s3

Path: .

A repo for the tutorial explaining the benefits of DVC and DAGsHub, using digit classification based on the MNIST database as an example problem

dataset aws s3

tunadags / exam-analysis

Updated 6 months ago

Path: .

Example of Descriptive Analysis of School visa exams

dataset git github

Deba1597 / mlflow_demo

Updated 6 months ago

Path: .

this is a experiment how experimentation works

dataset git mlflow github

xiaoyachong / SavtaDepth

Updated 6 months ago

Path: .

Open Source Data Science (OSDS) Monocular Depth Estimation – Turn 2d photos into 3d photos – show your grandma the awesome results.

dataset dvc git aws s3

Path: .

Proyecto Final: Desarrollo de un Sistema de Análisis de Noticias Salvadoreñas Objetivo General: El objetivo principal de este proyecto es aplicar los fundamentos de ciencia de datos para desarrollar un sistema integral de análisis de noticias salvadoreñas. Se abordarán diferentes etapas, desde la obtención de datos mediante web scraping hasta la implementación de modelos de aprendizaje automático y procesamiento del lenguaje natural, culminando con la creación de una interfaz interactiva utilizando

dataset git github

Path: .

This is basic mlflow project my personal studies

dataset git github

Dean / BioBERT-DAGsHub

Updated 6 months ago

Path: datasets

A DagsHub implementation of BioBERT: a pre-trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining

dataset model nlp named entity recognition dvc git

Dean / DPT

Updated 6 months ago

Path: data tests

DPT is a QA-bot designed to help answer questions about DagsHub. It is a fork of the brilliant buster project. Using DagsHub's documentation as reference and sentence-transformers/all-MiniLM-L6-v2 for sentence similarity, we identify documents that contain relevant information to a given query. This is then passed to OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo, that uses the information and the query given a prompt to return an answer to the user query, that's hopefully helpful.

dataset nlp question answering chatbot dvc git

Path: data/raw

"Hyderabad, India Chapter" - Chatbot for Interview Preparation using NLP

dataset dvc git

morrisalp / unikud

Updated 7 months ago

Path: . data

UNIKUD is an open-source tool for adding vowel signs (nikud) to Hebrew text with deep learning, using absolutely no rule-based logic.

dataset model nlp dvc git mlflow github

Path: src/data

Open Source Data Science (OSDS) Monocular Depth Estimation – Turn 2d photos into 3d photos – show your grandma the awesome results.

dataset model computer vision depth estimation dvc git mlflow google cloud storage

Path: data

A repo for the tutorial explaining the benefits of DVC and DAGsHub, using the classification of questions for the Cross Validated statistics Stack Exchange as an example problem

dataset model dvc git mlflow

Path: .

This repository hold open source datasets for various machine learning domains with a link to download and use them

dataset git github