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folder refactoring
4 years ago
changed selected to be more representative, modified notebooks
4 years ago
tune refactoring
4 years ago
tune refactoring
4 years ago
tune refactoring
4 years ago
tune refactoring
4 years ago
updated second stage
4 years ago
added tuning
4 years ago
tune refactoring
4 years ago
addes some optimization
4 years ago
fininally tune works!
4 years ago
changed selected to be more representative, modified notebooks
4 years ago
tune refactoring
4 years ago
Storage Buckets
Data Pipeline
DVC Managed File
Git Managed File
Stage File
External File

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This repository was created to prototype the DVC-based ML pipelines for the crosspecies project All dependencies are written in conda environment.yaml file, DVC and jupyter lab are also installed there.

Project structure

In the data folder one keeps input, interim and output data.

Before you start running anything do not forget to dvc pull the data and after commiting do not forget to dvc push it!

The pipeline is run by running dvc stages (see stages folder)

Most of the analysis is written in jupyter notebooks in the notebooks folder. Each stage runs (and source controls input-outputs) corresponding notebooks using papermill software (which also stores output of the notebooks to data/notebooks)

Temporaly some classes are copy-pasted from xspecies repository to make notebooks works

Project environment

To create environment you can do:

conda env create --file environment.yaml

yspecies package

The code in yspecies folder is a conda package that is used inside notebooks. The package is included in environment.yaml but you can also install it separately from conda

conda install -c antonkulaga yspecies

Running stages

DVC stages are in dvc.yaml file, to run dvc stage just use dvc repro <stage_name>:

dvc repro 

Most of the stages also produce notebooks together with files in the output

Key notebooks

There are several key notebooks in the projects. All notebooks can be run either from jupyter (by jupyter lab notebooks) or command-line by dvc repro.

  • select_samples notebook does preprocessing to select right combination of samples, genes and species. Most of other notebooks depend on it
  • shap_selection notebook contains shap_selection code that was rewriteen from initial 2_gbm_explanations file written by Vlada
  • results_intersections notebook is used to compute intersection tables taken from several analysis methods (linear and shap)
  • explainable_boosting notebook is just an experimental notebook to play with Explainable Gradient boosting
  • prepare proteins notebook is used to prepare some protein sequences for Eliza's protein sequence analysis. It is not complited as there is also Polynote code that does part of this job

Running notebooks manually

You can run notebooks manually by:

jupyter lab notebooks

And then running the notebook of our choice. However, keep in mind that notebooks depend on each other. In particular, select_samples notebook generates the data for all others.

Core SHAP selection logic

Most of the code is packed into classes. The workflow is build on top of scikitlean Pipelines.

Yspecies package

Yspecies package has the following modules:

  • dataset - ExpressionDataset class to handle cross-species samples, genes, species metadata and expressions
  • partition - classes required for sci-kit-learn pipeline starting from ExpressionDataset going to SortedStratification
  • selection - LightGBM and SHAP-based feature selection
  • results - FeatureSelection results with some auxilary methods to explore specific genes and shap values
  • utils - varios utility functions and classes
  • workflow - helper classes required to reproduce pipelines in the paper (like enums, locations and so on)


One of the key classes is ExpressionDataset class:

e = ExpressionDataset("5_tissues", expressions, genes, samples)

It allows indexing by genes:

e[["ENSG00000073921", "ENSG00000139687"]]
e.by_genes[["ENSG00000073921", "ENSG00000139687"]]

By samples:



e[["ENSG00000073921", "ENSG00000139687"],["SRR2308103","SRR1981979"]]


ExpressionDataset class has by_genes and by_samples properties which allow indexing and filtering. For instance filtering only blood tissue:

e.by_samples.filter(lambda s: s["tissue"]=="Blood")

The class is also Jupyter-friendly with repr_html() method implemented

partition module

Key logic from the start until partitioning of the data according to sorted stratification

Classes with data:

  • FeatureSelection - specifies which fields we want to select from ExpressionDataset's species, samples, genes
  • EncodedFeatures - class responsible for encoding of categorical features
  • ExpressionPartitions - data class with results of partitioning


  • DataExtractor - transformer that get ExpressionDataset and extracts data from it according to FeatureSelection instruction
  • DataPartitioner - transformer that does sorted stratification

selection module

This module is responsible for ShapBased selection

Classes with data:

  • Fold - results of one Fold

Auxilary classes:

  • ModelFactory - used by ShapSelector to initialize the model
  • Metrics - helper methods to deal with metrics


  • ShapSelector - key transformer that does the learning

results module

Module that contains final results

  • FeatureResults is a key class that contains selected features, folds as well as auxilary methods to plot and investigate results

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Cross-species repository

Collaborators 1

