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Things to include finally - * Hyper-Param training using Optuna and HyperOpt * Use DVC to monitor data stored in gdrive * Use MLFLOW to track model performance * use Pytest to create unit tests * Use tox to automate testing * Use Docker to finally encapsulate the entire process * Use Airflow to schedule pipeline workflows * Use GitHub Actions (.github/workflows) to run in github


  • Check Dataset size
  • Astra DataBase Variables
  • Data Validation
    • Check d_types
    • Check column names

To enable auto formatting on save a document. create a .vscode directory if not already present. Then, create a settings.json file. And in it, type the following: // .vscode/settings.json { "python.linting.flake8Enabled": true, "python.linting.flake8Args": [ "--max-line-length=200" ], "python.formatting.provider": "autopep8", "editor.formatOnSave": true, "python.formatting.autopep8Args": [ "--max-line-length=200" ], "python.analysis.typeCheckingMode": "off" } ==> This is only for the current project. If you want to enable this for the entire VSCode globally, then goto settings from file>preferences. And in the search bar, type: JSON.

You will get an option with the hyperlink to json settings. This will be the default settings.json file for VSCode. In it, add the same above json format (without the {} and save the file). Auto-Formatting as per autopep8 will be enabled.

Logistic_Regression: SGD_Classifier: Random Forest: Ada_Boost: Grad_Boost: Bagging_Classifier: ExtraTreesClassifier: Hist_Grad_Boost_Classifier: Decision_Tree_Classifier: XGB_Classifier: KNN_Classifier: Stacked_Classifier:

Artifacts so far: - Raw Data 6x (3 train and 3 test) - Basic Preprocessed data (train, test) (also the merged data) - Final processed training data (split into train and validation) -> this is gotten from the training set of basic preprocessed data - The preprocessor.joblib - The Champion Model

Artifacts to saved from each component: - Stage1 - Data_ingestion - Should save: Raw data (3x Train Data, 3x Test Data)

- Stage2 - Initial Preprocessing
    - Should save both the preprocessed data (train, test)

- Stage4 -  Final Preprocessing
    - Should save the processed/transformed data from train_set of Stage2-Initial Preprocessing module
      This will have the training and validation data

- Stage5 - Model Tuning, Tracking, Training
    - Should save the preprocessor.joblib

- Stage6 - Test Data Prediction
    - Should save the champion model

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI= export MLFLOW_TRACKING_USERNAME=Raj-Narayanan-B export MLFLOW_TRACKING_PASSWORD=8af4cc66be8aec751397fd525e47ae395fa67442

export MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI= export MLFLOW_TRACKING_USERNAME=Raj-Narayanan-B export MLFLOW_TRACKING_PASSWORD=8af4cc66be8aec751397fd525e47ae395fa67442


  • mlflow
  • dvc
  • astradb
  • airflow
  • aws secrets
  • azure secrets

TO-DO: Feb8,2024: - update outs section in dvc.yaml file for the stage: model_tuning_tracking_training - the placeholders should be updated. - the trials df from parameter_tuning2 should be given as an outs - rest all that are being saved from file should be given in outs --> - update the way mlflow_model_sources.yaml file is being created from file. The keys should be changed accordingly.

- udpdate the outs and deps in test_data_prediction stage according to the placeholders.
- update dyc.yaml file's CMD sections
- resume the databases & try dvc repro -f dvc.yaml

- if you get an error to check the cluster status, delete the vector databases and create new vectorless databases and upload the data into them using dsbulkloader.

- save the token.json and secure_connect_bundles of those new databases
- try dvc repro -f dvc.yaml again!

Feb 9, 2024 - create prediction pipeline - check if any line of code has the full file path. It should be only the relative path. - create and its dependencies (static & templates)

Feb 13, 2024 - clean up the templates(compulsarily) and static files(compulsarily) and app.pyy file(if necessary) - Setup data upload into Astra DB - Configure the AirFlow Server using docker - clean the file (put everything inside a single function as before) #NOT NEEDED - check if the env variables are set in the docker file

Feb 14, 2024 - Create the github/workflows/main.yaml - make sure that dvc is tracking all the artifact files (all the csv files created and downloaded, joblib files(model/preprocessor), params, config, schema, AstraDB secrets files) - test the entire app

CREATE DATABASE airflow_db CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; CREATE USER 'raj' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON airflow_db.* TO 'raj';

Docker Airflow Container Run Command: docker run -p 8080:8080 -v F:/iNeuron/Projects/scania_failures_2/airflow/dags:/app/airflow/dags scania_truck_airflow:latest

Data_Validation in 0_trial.ipynb

  • Duplicates check
  • Check for columns with 0 std_dev()
  • Drop columns that have more than 50% of missing values
  • check for histogram features
  • check for PCA # not needed
  • Create the final schema and ensure that the user inputting the new values have the columns present in final schema

*** Change the module: stage4_final_preprocessing to data validation or create a new function inside that module named data_validation that includes all steps mentioned above.

  • Change the entity config and it's dataclass names to "artifact"

  • Make changes in training pipeline (include data validation)

  • Make changes in prediction pipeline (include data validation)

  • add files_tracker at the end of prediction pipeline

  • add s3 bucket option in index.html

  • if any file is being predicted using the S3 option in webpage, a temp folder should be created and after the prediction, it should be removed.

  • if any file is manually selected by the user, it should be added in the files_tracker


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