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hero_banner.html [toc] DagsHub Documentation Learn how to use DagsHub to build machine learning and AI projects, manage data, track experiments, and create a single source of truth for your projects.

DagsHub: A Single Source of Truth for your AI Projects

DagsHub is a platform for AI and ML developers that lets you manage and collaborate on your data, models, experiments, alongside your code. DagsHub was particularly designed for unstructured data for example text, images, audio, medical imaging, and binary files. It directly integrates with and is built on top of popular open source tools like Git, DVC, MLflow, Label Studio, and others, and provides a streamline workflow for using them together.

Key Use Cases

You can do a lot of things with DagsHub, but here are some of the things DagsHub users usually use the platform for:

Quick Start

DagsHub Overview Video


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