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 Open Source Data Science Projects

cwerner / deadtrees

Updated 3 hours ago

Semantic Segmentation model for the detection of dead trees from ortho photos.

computer vision pytorch semantic segmentation dvc git s3 compatible storage github

zipchen / LIO-SAM

Updated 3 hours ago

LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping

git github

Unofficial TF2 implementation of "Meta Pseudo Labels" with linked metrics, dataset and models

dvc git github

degiwo / ds-projects

Updated 3 hours ago

Collection of Kaggle Data Science competitions

dvc git github

Demo of a DagsHub Project.

dvc git github

prfrl / Rxitect

Updated 4 hours ago

A deep reinforcement learning-based drug molecule generator focused on generation of molecules using SELFIES to exploit the guarantee of valid molecular structures.

dvc git github

This is my first end-to-end deep learning project

dvc git github

An ML / MLOps classification project on MNIST - Database of Handwritten Digits implemented using CNN with the help of PyTorch and DVC libraries.

pytorch dvc git github

This is a CNN based deeplearning classifier, it classify the images

dvc git github