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open-data-registry aws-pds sustainability agriculture earth observation geospatial life sciences + 753


disaster response classification image classification object detection autonomous vehicles machine translation vision + 490

 Open Source Data Science Datasets

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sexy, latex ,high heels


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Hyderabad, India Chapter - Leveraging LLMs to Understand Global Mental Health Well-being & Fomo in Social Media

dataset aws s3

Simon / COCO-2017

Updated 2 months ago

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A DVC tracked version of COCO 2017, including the train and test set

dataset computer vision semantic segmentation object detection dvc git

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In this project, I want to train the Name Entity Recognition to Identify the Columns of any csv files.

dataset nlp git github

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An end to end project to predict wine quality

dataset git mlflow github

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dataset dvc git

santhiya.kb / versioning

Updated 3 months ago

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experimenting data versioning

dataset dvc git

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In this repository i have integrated mlflow to track the life cycle of the prediction model.

dataset model git mlflow github

Path: data/images

Using Active Learning to improve the original SquirrelDetector

dataset dvc label studio git mlflow

yuriiguy / LLM-s-nulia

Updated 3 months ago

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Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step

dataset anomaly detection chatbot git github

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Training a YOLOv8 model for wildfire smoke detection.

dataset computer vision

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Showcasing DagsHub Annotations, Label Studio integration, Discussions, and other related features

dataset nlp audio computer vision tabular label studio

nsd8888 / mlops-mlflow

Updated 3 months ago

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This project is for practicing mlflow on cloud

dataset dvc git mlflow github

Prathap-Chandra / mlflow

Updated 3 months ago

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This repo contains all the material required to understand how to track your experiments using MLflow

dataset git mlflow github

ashishnex007 / mlflow

Updated 3 months ago

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This repo contains all the material required to understand how to track your experiments using MLflow

dataset git github