Simplify Your ML process with DagsHub

Dagshub is a central hub for managing your unstructured data and running numerous experiments with ease. Cut down on the complexity, time, and cost of building your models.

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    Over 35,000 data scientists and 700 teams build ML with Dagshub

    Guy Rosin Applied Scientist |

    “Since we started using Dagshub, we have been able to significantly reduce the time it takes to run experiments. With streamlined experiment management and version control capabilities, we can quickly iterate and optimize our models, leading to faster results and more efficient workflows. This has been a game-changer for our team at”

    Hwan Goh Head of Machine Learning | MACSO

    “DagsHub has been an integral part of our success. We needed an organized framework for our ML workflows and DagsHub’s philosophy and tools made it the perfect fit. We’ve been using DagsHub for a long time and can’t imagine working on ML projects without it.”

    Isaac Faber Director of AI Development U.S. Army AI Integration Center

    “As an ML practitioner and instructor DagsHub is pretty amazing. Designed near perfectly for collaborative data science and just as good for teaching. It has integrations with everything you need: GitHub, MLflow, Label Studio, and DVC. Do yourself a favor and check out DagsHub. It has a small learning curve but once you do one project you’ll have a hard time using anything else.”

    Francesco Curia Head of Data & AI | CY4GATE

    “My team can’t stop talking about DagsHub. It’s a tool that truly empowers us to autonomously manage our entire data science projects. DagsHub simplifies the process of ingesting and sharing data for production, making life much easier for our data scientists.”

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