🌊 AI-Native with Idan Gazit – The future of AI products and interfaces
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🌊 AI-Native with Idan Gazit – The future of AI products and interfaces

MLOps Podcast May 16, 2024

In this episode, Idan Gazit, Senior Director of Research at GitHub Next, discusses his role in exploring strategic technologies and incubating long bet projects. He explains how the GitHub Next team chooses research projects and the process of exploration and theme selection. Idan also shares insights into the ML focus at GitHub Next and the challenges of evaluating the impact of AI products. He reflects on his journey into the AI space and provides advice for testing AI products in smaller organizations. Finally, he shares his thoughts on the future of AI interfaces.

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Dean Pleban

Co-Founder & CEO of DAGsHub. Building the home for data science collaboration. Interested in machine learning, physics and philosophy. Join https://DAGsHub.com

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