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CML with Jenkins in DagsHub

Topics to Cover:

  • Jenkins Local Setup
  • Standard Jenkins pipeline for CI
  • Steps to incorporate DVC pipeline with CI Pipeline
  • Enhanced PR review process with Jenkins + Dagshub integration
  • Using Jenkins for your remote training

Problems to be addressed by CML:

  • Collaboration in DS mainly needs experiment comparison, over other checks like
    • Code changes check
    • Tests, linting
    • Build passing
  • Most often we may not be able to execute experiments in our local machine, because
    • Reourse contraints: CPU. GPU, Memory, Network
    • Time contraint (few models may need days of training)
    • Also we would like to automate the process to reduce errors


  • DVC is a great tool to have in our arsenal to deine
    • Version Data, models
    • Define DS end-to-end pipeline
    • Track experiments
    • Compare experiments
  • Jenkins is an open source generic CI/CD pipeline


  • Running tests and linting
  • Check if dvc.lock file is upto date
  • Check if all the artifacts are pused to dvc shared remote
  • Execute experiment on behalf of the user
  • Automation of remote training


  • Data Science projects are unique in its own ways, but still can adapt lot of learning from Software Delivery Principles and Projects.
  • MLops is comes under the umberlla of Devops. It addresses, the rituals to take models running in DS laptops to production.
  • Versioning your data and models is the first step to achieve reproducible results and DVC has done a great job on it.
  • Adding to it, DS Pull Request from DagsHub and CML from DVC addresses few neuanses of applying standard CI/CD practices to ML projects.
  • This blog talks about extending ideas of CML to implement using Jenkins and DVC pipelines.
  • If it's one thing, you want to get from this blog; that would be the Jenkinsfile file.

By the end of this you would be able to:

  • Setup Jenkins pipeline for your project.
  • Define end-to-end ML pipeline with DVC.
  • Standardize continuous integration practices in the team.
  • Learn a simple and elegant way of managing experiment, i.e features in DS projects.


  • Setup a running Jenkins Sever, which executes your CI pipeline. You can follow instructions in JenkinsDockerSetup to do so.
  • Setup end-to-end Machine Learning Pipeline with DVC to make you experiments reproducible and version you data/models. Learn more about dvc pipeline.

Standard Jenkins pipeline for CI

The reference project has been developed in Python, but the same concepts should be applicable to other technology ML projects.

The core of this blog revolves around the Jenkinsfile. Stick till the end, to know the details of all moving parts. :smile:

Jenkins Pipeline:

It is a good practice to define jobs, to run inside a Docker Container.

This enables to have an easy, maintainable, reproducible and isolated job environment setup. Also debugging environment specific issues becomes easier as we can reproduce the jobs execution env conditions anywhere.

To do so Jenkins enalbes us to define agent's to be a docker container; which can be brought up from an image or from a customised image, defined in a Dockerfile.

More on the same can be checked at Using Docker with Pipeline section of their Pipeline documentation.

In next section, we will go through how we have defined our JenkinsAgent.

Jenkins Agent:

Here we define the agent to be a container brought up from this Dockerfine.

Agent Definition:

agent {
    dockerfile {
        args "-v ${env.WORKSPACE}:/project -w /project -v /extras:/extras -e PYTHONPATH=/project"


  • Repo has been mounted inside the container to /project.
  • -w /project make sures that all our pipeline stage commands are executed inside our repo directory.
  • We have also mounted /extras volume to cache any files, between multiple job runs. This will help in reducing build latency. For more info check Sync DVC remotes pipeline stage.

Agent Dockerfile:

Here we define the job container's base image; install the required software and library dependencies.

FROM python:3.8                      # Base image for our job
RUN pip install --upgrade pip && \
    pip install -U setuptools==49.6.0
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install unzip groff -y
RUN curl "" -o "" && \
    unzip && \
    ./aws/install                    # Installing aws-cli to use S3 as remote storage
COPY requirements.txt ./

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt  # Installing project dependenices


To help us define docker context when building the container image.

*                    # Ignores everything

!requirements.txt    # except requirements.txt file ;)

In next section we will be defining stages in our pipeline.


Here are few stages that we will be defining in our Jeninks Pipeline:

  • Run Unit tests
  • Run Linting tests
  • DVC specific stages
    • Setup DVC remote connection
    • Sync DVC remotes
    • On Pull Request
      • Execute end-to-end DVC experiment/pipeline
      • Compare the results
      • Commit back the results to the experiment/feature branch

Run Unit Tests:

We have defined all our test cases in the test folder and using pytest to run them for us.

stage('Run Unit Test') {
    steps {
        sh 'pytest -vvrxXs'

Run Linting Test:

For linting check, as standard practice we will use flake8 and black.

stage('Run Linting') {
    steps {
        sh '''
            flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
            flake8 . --count --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
            black . --check --diff

DVC Stanges:

Setup DVC remote connection:

Once you have setup credentials in Jenkins, we can use it in a stage as follows.

stage('Setup DVC Creds') {
    steps {
                    credentialsId: 'PASSWORD',
                    passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD',
                    usernameVariable: 'USER_NAME'),
        ) {
            sh '''
                dvc remote modify origin --local auth basic
                dvc remote modify origin --local user $USER_NAME
                dvc remote modify origin --local password $PASSWORD
                dvc status -r origin

With dvc status -r origin we test our connect with the remote. DVC remote informations are defined in the config, .dvc/config file.

Sync DVC remotes:

Before running any further DVC stanges, we would need to fetch already versioned data and models files from DVC. This can be done with dvc pull command.

Everytime while we fetch DVC versioned files from S3 or similar remote storages, it increases our network load, build latency and also service usages cost.

To optimise this we can cache already fetched files, say from previous builds. Then in consequent builds we can only fetch the required diff.

We will use the mounted volume /extras for this and refer it by dvc remote jenkins_local. More info .dvc/config file.

While origin is our primary storage, we use jenkins_local as a secondary local storage! :exploading_head:

stage('Sync DVC Remotes') {
    steps {
        sh '''
            dvc status
            dvc status -r jenkins_local
            dvc status -r origin
            dvc pull -r jenkins_local || echo 'Some files are missing in local cache!'  # 1
            dvc pull -r origin                                                          # 2
            dvc push -r jenkins_local                                                   # 3


  1. First we fetch cached files from jenkins_local.
  2. Then we only fetch the required diffs, by pulling from origin.
  3. We then sync both the remotes, by pushing the diffs back to jenkins_local.

Update DVC Pipeline:

Once you have defined dvc pipeline running your expeirment is stright forward with dvc repro cmd. Every run of your dvc pipeline can potentially create new versions of data, models and metrics.

Hence the question is When should you run your Experiments?

Should we run for:

  • All the commits?
  • Only for changes in, master branch?
  • Should we set up some manual trigger?
  • Based on "special" commit message syntax?
  • or On Pull request?

Let's analyze pros and cons for each of these options:

Options Pros Cons
For All Commits We will never miss any experiment This will increase build latency. May be overkill to run for all commits/changes
Only for changes in, master branch Only master branch experiments are saved Only master branch experiments are saved. "Bad" experiments can slip through the PR review process and gets merged to master, before we could catch it.
Setup a manual trigger We can decide when we want to run/skip experiment. Automation is not complete. There is room for manual errors.
"Special" Commit message syntax We can decide when we want to run/skip experiment. Automation is not complete. There is room for manual errors.
On Pull Request We can run and compare experiment, before we approve the PR. No "Bad" experiments can now slip through PR review process. None
stage('Update DVC Pipeline') {
    when { changeRequest() }                                            //# 1
    steps {
        sh '''
            dvc repro --dry -mP
            dvc repro -mP                                                 # 2
            git branch -a
            cat dvc.lock
            dvc push -r jenkins_local                                     # 3
            dvc push -r origin                                            # 3
            rm -r /extras/RPPP/repo/$CHANGE_BRANCH || echo 'All clean'
            mkdir -p /extras/RPPP/repo/$CHANGE_BRANCH
            cp -Rf . /extras/RPPP/repo/$CHANGE_BRANCH
        sh 'dvc metrics diff --show-md --precision 2 $CHANGE_TARGET'    //# 4


Here $CHANGE_BRANCH refers to Pull request source branch and $CHANGE_TARGET refers to Pull request target branch.

  1. when { changeRequest() } Makes sures to run this stage only when Pull Request is open/modified/updated.
  2. dvc repro -mP runs the pipeline end-to-end and also prints the final metrices.
  3. dvc push saves the results (data & models) to remote storages.
  4. dvc metrics diff compares the metrics in PR source vs PR target.

Commit back Results:

Once the DVC pipeline is run, it will version the experiment results and modifies corresponding metadata in the dvc.lock file.

When we commit this dvc.lock file into git, we can say the experiment is saved successfully.

This is important because, for a given git commit, looking at dvc.lock file, DVC will understand which versions of files to be loaded from the cache. We can checkout that perticular version by dvc checkout cmd.

Now in this stage Commit back Results; all we have to do is, check if dvc.lock file got modified?. If yes, then commit and push it to our Git feature/experiment branch.

stage('Commit back results') {
    when { changeRequest() }
    steps {
        dir("/extras/RPPP/repo/${env.CHANGE_BRANCH}") {
            sh '''
                git branch -a
                git status
                if ! git diff --exit-code; then                                   # 1
                    git add .
                    git status
                    git commit -m '$GIT_COMMIT_REV: Update dvc.lock and metrics'  # 2
                    git push origin HEAD:$CHANGE_BRANCH                           # 3
                    echo 'Nothing to Commit!'                                     # 4


  1. git diff --exit-code to check if there are un-committed changes.
  2. git commit -m '$GIT_COMMIT_REV: ...' to commit with reference to parent commit $GIT_COMMIT_REV. This helps us also understand for which user commit the experiment was run by our Jenkins Pipeline.
  3. git push origin HEAD:$CHANGE_BRANCH to push to our experiment/feature branch saved in environment variable $CHANGE_BRANCH.
  4. Else part to print there was nothing to commit. This means the DVC pipeline is already up to date.

Use Cases:

Using Jenkins for Remote Training:

There are various reasons why you would want to do remote training of your models. Some of them; for example are:

  • Everyone loves automation.
  • Your model training can be time consuming and meanwhile you are better off doing something else.
  • You want to schedule training job and forget it; then get notified with results, when the job is complete.
  • GPU's or compute needs for the training is not present in your local development environment.
  • To eliminates costly data transfers between storage to job environment, you want to run training job as close to the data source as possible.
  • Due to WFH and low network bandwidth constraints, you want to work on cloud instances to reduce your network load and latency.
  • and so on ... .

This automation is achievable, with following two stages of the pipeline:

  1. Update DVC Pipeline
  2. Commit back Results

All you need to do is define your new experiment in a branch; either by changing code, (i.e data-processing, model-algorithm, etc), data, params, or some dependency.

As long as it can trigger dvc pipeline execution, Jenkins and DVC will execute the experiment for you.

Once you make a Pull Request from your experiment branch to a target branch Jenkins will run the above two stages.

Checking Results:

Jenkins will commit the results (metrics to Git and data/models to DVC) back. You can check them as follows:

git pull origin {feature/experiment branch} --rebase  # 1: Fetches jenkins commit, i.e metadata (metrics and dvc.lock file).
dvc pull origin                                       # 2: Now you fetch the data/models from DVC storage.

Now you have latest metrics, data and models; which Jenkins produced for you.

Ignoring Experiment:

Sometimes you may want to ignore the current execution of experiment.

All you need to do in such case is to ignore the commit from Jenkins and force-push different change.

git push origin {feature/experiment branch} --force

Enhanced Pull Request Review Process:

Data Science projects are more dynamic in nature from Software Delivery projects. This is becasue in DS project along with factors that influence Software Delivery projects; some pivotal decisions; and set of next steps can be influenced by many underlying factors. To name a few:

  • Quality and volume of Data
  • Data cleaning/processing steps
  • Model complexity and explainability
  • Technical and Business Metrics
  • etc along with factors that influence Software Delivery projects.

Hence while in Pull Request review, it is not sufficient to "say" that, the build is green, all tests are passing, etc.

We should dig deep and understand the changes in data/model better. Most importantly we should validate, does our fundamental assumption/hypothesis on data still holds true or not.

We have already seen some of the factors, which influence DS projects. We should keep them in mind when doing PR review.

Basically for every Pull request first we should verify if the build is green. i.e (all tests are passing, linting standards are followed, etc). But as we know, that code review + build status is not sufficient. We should also be able to:

  • Compare changes in data/models: Checking changes in meta data files created by DVC, we would only be able to name which data/model files changed. But we can hardly differentiate, if the change is a good/bad one. I call it a black box comparison.
  • Compare metrics diff's between those two branches: We can use dvc metrics diff {source} {target}. This will show us the metrics of latest experiment from these branches and also the difference in value between them. I call it a first step towards transparency.

We will be achieving the same with Update DVC Pipeline stage defined in our pipeline.

To help us with better PR review for DS projects, and also apply learnings from standard practices in software delivery; DagsHub's has developed Data Science Pull Request and DVC has developed CML. They have addressed several neuanses that differentiates DS projects from Software projects. Do check them out to get more ideas on how to achieve more transparent and informed PR reveiw.


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