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Setup Importing 2

Setting Up the Environment

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These tools require PostgreSQL and an Anaconda installation.

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System Requirements

You will need:

  • A PostgreSQL server with at least 500GB of disk space available for the database and ample RAM.
  • An environment to save the raw files and run the import code. This can be the same machine as the PostgreSQL server, but needs:
    • Anaconda or Miniconda
    • 100GB of disk space for input files
    • A few GB of memory
    • Linux or macOS (since graph-tool isn't built for Windows right now)

The scripts don't have substantial memory requirements, but do need a good deal of disk space. The most memory-intensive operation is the connected components computation for book clustering.

PostgreSQL Database

The book data tools require PostgreSQL (at least version 10), with the following extensions installed:

  • orafce
  • PostgreSQL Contrib (specifically pg_prewarm and uuid-ossp)

The database will take approximately 500GB.

Create a database for the book data, e.g. bookdata, owned by the database user you will be using to run the data integration tools. The tools will create various tables and schemas.

Once you have created the database, run the following as the database superuser to enable the PostgreSQL extensions:


Import Tool Dependencies

The import tools are written in Python and Rust. The provided environment.yml file defines an Anaconda environment (named bookdata by default) that contains all required runtimes and libraries:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate bookdata

If you don't want to use Anaconda, see the following for more details on dependencies.


This needs the following Python dependencies:

  • Python 3.6 or later
  • psycopg2
  • numpy
  • tqdm
  • pandas
  • colorama
  • chromalog
  • natural
  • dvc (0.90 or later)
  • sqlparse
  • sqlalchemy


The Rust tools need Rust version 1.40 or later. The easiest way to install this — besides Anaconda — is with rustup.

The cargo build tool will automatically download all Rust libraries required. The Rust code does not depend on any specific system libraries.

Database Configuration

All scripts read database configuration from the DB_URL environment variable, or alternately a config file db.cfg. This file should look like:

host = localhost
database = bookdata
user = user
password = password

This file additionally supports branch-specfic configuration sections that will apply to work on different Git branches, e.g.:

host = localhost
database = bookdata

database = bdorig

This setup will use bookdata for most branches, but will connect to bdorig when working from the master branch in the git repository.

This file should not be committed to Git. It is ignored in .gitignore.


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