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disaster response classification image classification object detection autonomous vehicles machine translation time series forecasting + 490

 Open Source Data Science Datasets

kg571852741 / ARCH2S

Updated 4 hours ago

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ARCH2S: Dataset and Benchmark for Learning Exterior Architectural Structures from Point Clouds (CVPRW 2024, Oral)

dataset 3d semantic segmentation git github 3d model

deepdas59493 / DocumentAI

Updated 23 hours ago

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This repo contains the code for building streamlit app that allows user to enter youtube URL and build a chatbot that can answer questions based on that video

dataset aws s3

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A machine learning project to classify mobile price range

dataset classification dvc git

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World Mortality Dataset: international data on all-cause mortality.

dataset tabular git github

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Glasgow, Scotland Chapter - Exploring the Role of Social Media and AI in Promoting Glasgow’s Tourism

dataset recommendation systems

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Squirrel annotation


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This is Pneumonia detection system, where I developed Convolutional Neutral Network (CNN) to classify image into pneumonia or none pneumonia.

dataset tensorflow git github

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This project provides a comprehensive guide on using DagsHub to manage machine learning datasets and models. It includes steps for setting up a DagsHub project, connecting data buckets, creating datasets, annotating data, fine-tuning models, tracking experiments, registering models, and logging predictions. The guide is supplemented with visual aids to help users follow along easily.

dataset computer vision object detection git mlflow s3 compatible storage


Updated 1 week ago

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1000 Images from COCO dataset with polygon segmentation

dataset computer vision

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To streamline the diagnostic process and help healthcare professionals

dataset classification git mlflow github

mohamedchahed / Upwork

Updated 1 week ago

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Upwork project


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End-To-End Machine Learning Project with MLflow

dataset git mlflow github