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 Open Source Data Science Datasets

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ScanObjectNN is a newly published real-world dataset comprising 2902 3D objects in 15 categories.

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SSP-3D is an evaluation dataset consisting of 311 images of sportspersons in tight-fitted clothes, with a variety of body shapes and poses.

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Data set for the Occluded COCOC technique, implementation in "A Tri-Layer Plugin to Improve Occluded Detection"

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VehicleX is a large-scale synthetic dataset created in Unity that contains 1,362 vehicles of various 3D models with fully editable attributes.

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BuildingNet is a large-scale dataset of 3D building models whose exteriors are consistently labeled.

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The PanoContext dataset contains 500 annotated cuboid layouts of indoor environments such as bedrooms and living rooms.

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Thingi10K is a dataset of 3D-Printing Models. Specifically, there are 10,000 models from featured “things”, suitable for testing 3D printing techniques

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Sydney Urban Objects dataset contains a variety of common urban road objects scanned with a Velodyne HDL-64E LIDAR, collected in the CBD of Sydney, Australia. There are 631 individual scans of objects across classes of vehicles, pedestrians, signs and trees.

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The ModelNet40 dataset contains synthetic object point clouds. As the most widely used benchmark for point cloud analysis, ModelNet40 is popular because of its various categories, clean shapes, well-constructed dataset, etc.

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ShapeNetSem is a smaller, more densely annotated subset of ShapeNetCore consisting of 12,000 models spread over a broader set of 270 categories.

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FreiHAND is a 3D hand pose dataset that records different hand actions performed by 32 people.

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The 3D Poses in the Wild dataset is the first dataset in the wild with accurate 3D poses for evaluation.

dataset 3d human pose estimation dvc git 3d model

nirbarazida / HUMAN4D

Updated 1 year ago

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dataset 3d human pose estimation dvc git 3d model