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open-data-registry aws-pds sustainability agriculture earth observation geospatial life sciences + 754


disaster response classification image classification object detection autonomous vehicles machine translation vision + 490

 Open Source Data Science Models

Path: .

LayerDiffusion is an advanced text-guided image editing model that excels in performing multiple edits on single images, like background replacement and attribute changes, ensuring seamless integration and consistency. It leverages a text-to-image model with a novel layered control optimization and diffusion training to allow detailed subject modifications while preserving their identity. This repository contains the model weights

model nlp computer vision huggingface transformers image generation text-to-image generation dvc git arxiv

Dean / BioBERT-DAGsHub

Updated 5 months ago

Path: output/NCBI-disease

A DagsHub implementation of BioBERT: a pre-trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining

dataset model nlp named entity recognition dvc git

morrisalp / unikud

Updated 7 months ago

Path: models

UNIKUD is an open-source tool for adding vowel signs (nikud) to Hebrew text with deep learning, using absolutely no rule-based logic.

dataset model nlp dvc git mlflow github

achamug645 / ML_Opt

Updated 1 year ago


This repositor mainly discusses the application of Mchine learning and optimization approaches to the decision-making process

dataset model nlp classification tensorflow dvc git

Dean / RPPP

Updated 2 years ago

Path: models

RPPP – Reddit Post Popularity Predictor A project with two goals: 1. Given a Reddit post, predict how popular it's going to be (what it's score will be) 2. Showcasing a remote working file system with DVC

dataset model nlp tabular dvc git

Path: .

Creating bot using pretrained model and Rick and Morty Data from Kaggle

dataset model nlp huggingface transformers text generation

Path: models

T5 Summarisation Using Pytorch Lightning, DVC, DagsHub, and HuggingFace Spaces

dataset model nlp

Dean / BERT

Updated 4 years ago

Path: .

This is the DAGsHub mirror of BERT made by Google, meant for modifying the project to make it reproducible. TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT

model nlp

Dean / gpt-2

Updated 4 years ago

Path: .

This is the DAGsHub mirror of GPT-2 made by OpenAI. Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"

model nlp